How to Protect Your Child From Potential Online Dangers

Learning to use technology to get online is a part of life for kids these days. That's why it's especially important to teach your child about the dangers lurking there. With the proper knowledge and training, they can avoid some of the common pitfalls of internet use.

Set a Time Limit

A major concern is that children might become addicted to screens. Screens can affect your child's sleep and keep them from taking part in other activities. That's why it's important to set a time limit and enforce it. Your child should know how long they are allowed online each day so they will develop habits of self-control.

Even adults often have trouble putting down their phones and simply being present. Setting time limits is a good way to exercise control for children and adults. In addition, it offers a good example to children when they see their parents sticking to time limits they've set for their own online activity.


Bullying isn't just a threat in the schoolyard anymore. Cyberbullies are a risk to any kid who uses the internet, and this type of bullying can be hard to catch. It's important to talk to your kids about cyberbullies before you allow them to get online.

Kids should know that certain types of behavior aren't acceptable either in person or online, and they need to have the confidence to report and block cyberbullies. They should be encouraged to reach out if they have been bullied online. It's important for them to realize they aren't alone. You may also choose to monitor your child's activity online so you can see if they are being bullied. This can help you become aware if your child is afraid to come forward about this problem.

What Information They Can Share

Your child may view the internet as an innocuous environment, but this is not the case. Jacoby & Meyers advises that you teach your children to be cautious about personal information they share online, because cyber hackers can use shared personal information to target them in cyber schemes or potential identity theft. It's also very easy for people to misrepresent themselves online. Kids need to know to never give out their location or plan to meet up with someone they have met this way.

There are plenty of great things about the internet. It's just important to make sure your kids understand how to avoid the potential dangers.


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