Tips for Helping Your Child Remember to Wash Their Hands

As an adult you know it’s really important to wash your hands, especially given the circumstances of this past year. However, teaching your children to build a habit of washing their hands is a big challenge. Here are a few things you can do to help make that challenge a little more reachable and give your child the tools they need to wash their hands regularly and stay healthy.

Post a Sign

One simple thing you can do to help your children remember to wash their hands is to have a sign in the bathroom. This is important because hand washing is paramount when it comes to preventing contamination and promoting hand hygiene. Your sign should be short and sweet and get to the point as quickly as possible without being forceful. If your child has a favorite character from a show they love to watch, including them on your sign can make it more fun. The sign should be a gentle reminder rather than a strong command so that your child can more easily maintain a good attitude about handwashing.



Your children are not going to remember to wash their hands if you don’t remind them from time to time. Make it part of your regular daily activities to remind your children to wash their hands before meals and after using the bathroom. It’s also a good idea to have them wash their hands when they return home from being at school or other activities. When they’re very young, your children may need help with handwashing and frequent reminders, but as they develop the habit, they will start to do it on their own.


Be an Example

It will also be easier for your children to learn to wash their hands if they see you washing your hands regularly. When children feel like they’re being required to do something that no one else has to do it can make them want to rebel. But when they see you washing your hands as well, it shows them that it is important.


Helping your children develop a habit of handwashing won’t happen overnight, but it doesn’t need to be an insurmountable task. The main thing that you need to make sure of is that you’re consistent in washing your hands and reminding them to wash theirs. This will instill great hygiene habits and help them to be healthier and safer.

Read this next: What You Should Know Before Taking Your Kids Swimming


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