3 Ideas for Building a Better Relationship With Your Teenage Daughter

Navigating the teen years with your daughter is not an easy task. All of the changes associated with this season of life combined with the natural inclination for your daughter to want to pull away may make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. Here are three things that you can do to build a better relationship with your teenage daughter.

Involve Her in Activities She Enjoy

Sometimes it can seem hard to relate to your daughter during this tumultuous time in her life. However, one of the best ways to bring calm to the calamity of the teen years is to engage your daughter in an activity that speaks to her. Depending on your daughter's interests, there are a variety of activities that will fit this need. According to Renewed Hope Ranch, equine therapy lets your daughter work and care for horses, which allows her to see her full potential, work out problems, learn valuable traits, and understand how to create and maintain healthy relationships.

Spend Quality Time With Each Other

The cornerstone of any good relationship is quality time. Being intentional about spending time together in meaningful ways will go a long way in building a better relationship with your daughter. As a parent, it is on you to schedule regular and unplugged time with your daughter. Ideas to consider include lunch dates, spa appointments, long walks outside, and trips to the mall. You will get more out of the time you spend together if it is done in a way that encourages good conversation.

Just Listen

Too often, it is tempting for mothers to want to impart their wisdom and advice on their daughters when all they really need is for someone to listen to their concerns. While it is tempting to think that your daughter will always listen to you, the truth is, according to Imperfect Families, that sometimes it is better to let her do the talking. You will glean more about what is going on in your daughter's mind and heart if you take the time to be her safe space that does not judge.

Although she may try to pull back from these activities, it is important to keep being intentional about building this crucial connection with your daughter. You two can get through the difficult teenage years together as a team.

Here’s another great article: How to Prepare Your Teen to Start Driving


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