What to Know About Hiring Exotic Animals for Your Child's Birthday Party

It can be a challenge to come up with fun birthday ideas as your children get older. If you have a child who loves animals, reptiles, snakes, and bugs, then it might be a good idea to have exotic animals at their party. This can provide an entertaining activity for all of the kids to partake in. Before you put a deposit down on a local show, let’s talk a bit about what you should know about hiring exotic animals for your child’s birthday party.

Make Sure to Hire a Reputable Show

It's best to hire professional exotic animal educators rather than having a friend stop by with a few of their pets. You want to have a professional on hand who knows what to do when many people are around the animals. Hiring an amateur with poorly trained animals can result in accidents, like bites. This is the last thing you want to occur at a birthday party for children. Look for reviews from past customers, and ask about the animal handler's experience.

There is a Small Risk of Disease

Several types of reptiles carry disease. If children touch an animal that is contaminated, they could contract something like salmonella. That doesn’t mean you can’t have exotic animals at the party. You simply need to take steps to prevent illness. Most exotic animal show owners will have children sanitize their hands before touching the animals. This prevents the animals from catching anything from the kids. Afterward, the children should sanitize again, and they should wash their hands.

Some Children Will Be Afraid

It’s inevitable that there may be a few kids who are scared of the animals at the show. Make sure you have a separate space where these kids can go if they become overwhelmed. You’ll also want to use a company that works well with children. Ask people you know for recommendations on the best companies in town. Not every exotic animal or reptile show is created the same. Make sure you get what you’re looking for.

Some Locations May Not Allow Animals

If you’re having a party somewhere other than your house, you will want to be sure that one of these shows is allowed. You don’t want to show up to a party facility with animals in tow only to find out that they aren’t allowed. Every location has its own rules. You might be bound to a certain room if you’re using animals. You may be able to bring animals as long as you are using animals that don’t produce common allergens like fur, dander, etc.

If you’re trying to plan a unique children’s party that involves animals, talk to a reputable exotic animal handler in your area. They can provide you with information on what to expect, and they may be able to give you some recommendations on where you could safely hold the party.

For more fun at your next party, try renting one of our moon bounce houses!


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