3 Tips for Selecting Your Child's Dentist

Those who fear dentists often cite traumatic childhood experiences as the reason why they're frightened. As a parent, you know that your child's dental health plays a large role in his or her overall health, so you want your son or daughter to have positive dental experiences. Here are three tips you can follow to make sure that a dentist will treat your child with care and sensitivity. Find Out If They Allow Parents in the Room It's long been a common practice that a parent is present during a child's initial dental exam. However, the debate continues as to whether or not a parent's presence or lack thereof during dental treatment makes a difference in a child's anxiety levels . In recent years, more pediatric dental practices are allowing it, even having parents hold smaller children instead of having them sit in a chair. Not all practices permit this, so if this is important to you, then make sure you ask about parental presence policies when re...